The daily winners
Daily winners are not currently available.

the date of good weather was right, south-west of germany...
29.05.2013 17:10 | albert
Das Tracking kannst ja Vergessen... ob das den GP weiter bringt?!?...
29.05.2013 12:16 | FE
Prajem pekne pocasie. V logu mate uvedeny nespravny datum konania GP....
26.05.2013 12:44 | marian
Hallo LM,
haltet durch, bei uns scheint heute die Sonne, morgen dann bei euch...
25.05.2013 08:44 | Albert
Hölzl Matthias
Germany | Surberg | ASG29E
AFZ Unterwössen | 18 m Class
Alena Netušilová
Czech Republic | Praha 10 | ASG29E
Zbraslavice | 18 m Class
Tomas Rendla
Czech Republic | Zruc nad Sazavou | ASG29
Zbraslavice | 18 m Class
Poland | Warsaw | LS 6 C 18 W
Radom | 18 m Class
Head news
31.5.2013 Day sixth
Grand Prix is cancelled due the weather. Forecast for next days doesn´t give us hope for successful competition. Few pilots leave our airfield. There is a hope for repeat this ...
31.05.2013 08:29
Last updated: 31.05.2013 13:19
30.5.2013 Fifth day
Briefing wasn´t very optimistic. Tomorrow will be cloudy day with very small probability for start. Biggrt chance for start will be on Saturday. We all are strongly believe in successful ...
30.05.2013 09:21
Last updated: 30.05.2013 11:00
29.5.2013 Fourth day
Today´s task is cancelled! :-( ...
29.05.2013 08:16
Last updated: 29.05.2013 12:52
28.5.2013 Third day
Weather is making fun of us today. It´s pity that we didn´t fly. I hope, tommorow sun will shine as good as well as now, to the end of the ...
28.05.2013 08:46
Last updated: 28.05.2013 18:04
27.5.2013 Second day
On briefing we watched record of yesterday´s task. Weather is non-flying today and pilots have free day. For tomorrow, there is little chance to fly in to the window between ...
27.05.2013 08:38
Last updated: 27.05.2013 11:06
26.5.2013 First race day
Prize-giving is over!
The first place worthily belongs to Roman Mráček, the second and the third place is for Sebastian Kawa and Lubor Kuwik. They may enjoy a bottle of wine ...
26.05.2013 08:56
Last updated: 26.05.2013 18:27
25.5.2013 Presentation day and first briefing
We are after briefing with Roland Stuck. Most of gliders are after weight check. Some of competitors will arrive tomorrow morning. Forecast for tomorrow looks more optimistic then today. First ...
25.05.2013 11:07
Last updated: 25.05.2013 19:50Organisers